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Mitigate your
carbon footprint

easily offset your carbon emissions for a whole season

Why not offset your entire motorsport season?


The average club competitor generates an estimated carbon footprint from fuel usage of between one and three tonnes of CO2e per season. Offsetting one tonne of C02e is equivalent to offsetting 430 litres of fuel.


We will offset one tonne of CO2 emissions via our partner, Highland Carbon, by purchasing carbon offsets on your behalf, using an established overseas project (La Primavera) where the trees are already planted.


You will also receive a gift pack containing your offsetting certificate and decals for your competition car confirming you have offset your entire motorsport season.


PLUS.... with each purchase you will become climate positive!

As part of our ongoing commitment to offsetting more CO2 than is generated, for every tonne of offset you purchase from overseas, we will provide a second tonne as a Pending Issuance Unit (PIU) from a UK afforestation project (the Loch Ness Project). A PIU is effectively a 'promise to deliver' a Woodland Carbon Unit in the future, based on predicted emission reductions, as the trees grow.

offset your season

Tonnes of CO2e
  • La Primavera Project

    Biocarbon Registry: PCR-C0-697-142-001
    Verification date 01-12-2019

    This offset uses international offsetting from a central American sustainable forestry project of reforestation with commercial forest species and, at the same time, the recovery of remaining natural forests under natural regeneration, on an area of 519.6 hectares.

  • Loch Ness Project

    IHS Markits Carbon Registry: 104000000027968
    A Woodland Carbon Code verified project

    For every one tonne of offset you purchase from overseas, we provide a second tonne as a Pending Issuance Unit (PIU) from a UK afforestation project. A PIU is effectively a 'promise to deliver' a Woodland Carbon Unit in the future, based on predicted emission reductions, as the trees grow.

Offset tyre usage, competition and support vehicles


making motorsport


driven by the love of

We provide events, competitors and spectators with a range of carbon offsetting services.

We help anyone in motorsport to make a sustainable and promotable positive environmental impact.

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We believe in making motorsport sustainable for all, and that making motorsport sustainable is no longer an option, if we want our sport and the environment to thrive and be enjoyed by future generations.


Because we believe that motorsport should and can create a positive impact, we will create a certified positive carbon footprint from your motorsport activities.

we are


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Our offsetting projects are provided in exclusive partnership with Highland Carbon Ltd Within the UK these are based on verified Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects which are registered by IHS Markits on the UK Land Carbon Registry.


We are members of the UK Carbon Association and comply with their code of conduct. 

Company Number 12415335

VAT Registration number 469393832

© Carbon Positive Motorsport 2021-2024

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