We are supporting motorsport organisations and competitors in Ukraine, who are providing humanitarian assistance to those in need.

Carbon Positive Motorsport was established to be people and planet positive, with the belief that those involved in motorsport activities could make a difference to the world we live in.
From our launch we committed to donate a proportion of our profits to causes that supported this aim. We report our activities annually to give full transparency of our commitments and the benefits achieved.
We wish to promote and inform all in UK Motorsport how they can directly contribute to good causes that are supporting those in need, and we’re focusing on causes which are motorsport related in some way.
The urgency of the crisis in Ukraine has led us to allocate 10% of our sales profits to causes supporting humanitarian assistance in the country.
Our day-to-day challenges in the UK and within UK Motorsport pale into insignificance when we see the immediate crisis of the Ukraine. But we also can’t stop addressing the very real challenges of climate change and its risks to motorsport.
We had a relationship before the crisis with many people involved in Ukrainian motorsport – so this is not a gimmick. This is about doing what we can for Rallying around the people of Ukraine and recognising that we are all Racing to help save Ukraine.
For those interested, we talk more below about the story behind our decision, and how people can contribute directly without using our offer to support some worthy causes in need of help.
You can make donations by purchasing our carbon offsetting services, or merchandise made from 100% recycled materials.
We also recognise that not everyone will want to contribute through their offsetting, so we have shared details below Julyia's story, on how people can directly contribute to motorsport related activities.
We hope all in UK motorsport will join together to help those in need, and to help to make motorsport sustainable for the future. Thank you.
Steve Smith & Paul Glass – Directors of Carbon Positive Motorsport
On behalf of all our brand ambassadors, suppliers, supporters, and Ukrainian friends.
The tragic events in Ukraine have not only created global outrage but have also brought huge levels of widespread admiration for how the Ukrainian people have responded in such times of adversity.
Carbon Positive Motorsport has had a relationship with several people within Ukraine’s motorsport community long before the recent atrocities began. Since the war started, we have been appalled at the disregard for human life and the unacceptable basis for such a war. We are heartbroken to see such events, and the long-term consequences that will affect a generation of people, and the world we live in for a long time to come.
We have learned first-hand from people on the ground just how bad the situation is. Images and stories that news channels do not broadcast, and circumstances that we are fortunate not to experience.
At the same time as having these feelings of despair, we have been heartened to see the work of many organisations and individuals who are actively supporting Ukrainians inside and outside of their borders, as well as the brave resistance and protests of many Russians who have not been conditioned by the outrageous lies and narrative of their state-controlled media and propaganda.
However, there are some less well known and publicised examples of bravery from within, and we have learned more about how many involved in Ukrainian motorsport have responded to the crisis and the needs of their people.
From feeling helpless, we now feel we must do what we can to help in whatever small way possible, specifically by helping others who share our passion for motorsport and who are bravely doing amazing things in direct danger to themselves. We have always had in our purpose to be people and planet positive – now it’s time to do both.
Juliya's Story
In recent weeks we have been in regular contact with many competitors we know. One such is Juliya Yefymova, who works in the medical profession. Until the war started Juliya lived happily with her mother in Kharkov – now one of the most devastated cities in the war.
Until then, she lived for motorsport, “dedicating half my life to it, and being brought up around wonderful motorsports people”; she was outgoing, very happy and a successful championship winning co-driver.

‘’Motorsports people are incredible and sensitive people, this is my second family, therefore, I think that any support for Ukraine will be important whether it will work out or not, everything will be as it should be.. I’m pleased that so many people are not indifferent to the situation in our country’’
Juliya Yefymova
Following an explosion that all but destroyed their home, she had to flee for her own safety, leaving her injured mother behind. A few days on she was rejoicing that friends had bravely entered her home to recover her racing helmet and clothing – something she could hold onto and believe in for the future, when one day she could return to competing.
We share some of her words from recent weeks and some images she has shared with us that we can show.
‘’I think Ukraine and our people need any help now – I think even half the media do not cover what is happening with us. Many of my friends have died, some went missing, and this is very scary, because we don’t know where we can run away to. You must understand that even $1 can help us now, we are greatful for every penny, it gives us life. In the first month humanitarian aid was active, and now less and less’’.

This is what my apartment looked like some weeks ago, when my mom got injured. But now the neighbours say the house was shelled many more times and there was a fire on the upper floor.

“This is what my city, my district looks like... where I was born and raised. Since the beginning of the war we have all revised our values, and now we are shopping at a minimum, we are greatful for all who give us life.
"Now every Ukrainian helps each other, and now we understand that our life is the most valuable thing, there are fewer needs, we are all very united. We will be greatful, probably all our lives now, especially for the fact that the whole world is with us and you give us life for another day.
"We cry every day around the house, and the fact that so many strangers help us from the world."

We can now find relatives spontaneously all over the world, my relatives from Russia left me and my family, my Dad was born in Russia and he is ashamed of it.. it hurts.. but many other people in the world have become relatives, thank you for stopping by and supporting me and my family.
“The urgent need now we have raised money for bullet vests for doctors, is to fix the urgent need for medicines for the wounded, there are no painkillers in Dinipro, and the soldiers without legs and arms are in great pain. I think I’m going to Kyiv now, I will look for the opportunity to purchase and supply medicine and dressings. There are very few hospitals left in Ukraine that are located at the hot spots, there is less humanitarian aid and the fighting is only brewing, now there will be hell in eastern Ukraine.”
Despite weeks of messages, never once did Juliya ask for help – only her wish to end the war so people could live in a free Ukraine, where her people could start to rebuild their lives, and for her the return to rallying – her normality.
So we decided to ask, “What we could do?” and used her understanding of the needs on the ground to direct us to what we could best do to help.
We got to know of some humanitarian needs that are not so well supported so far, for example, doctors who bravely step in to help the injured without bullet proof vests. But needs change day to day, and at the time of writing, there is a need for medical supplies.
Juliya told us that her rally team had decided to use their driving skills and support vehicles to start running humanitarian aid into dangerous areas – to provide people with much needed equipment and aid to those not fortunate enough to leave the areas under the most attacks.

The Evdokymov racing team that Juliya is part of are using their vehicles to collect and distribute needed humanitarian aid.
We decided that we would start by supporting these two needs, and that over time we would adjust our support to those causes most needing help, and those perhaps not so well supported by other fund-raising activities. Ukraine will need long term support, and these needs will change over time.
We also recognise that not everyone will want to contribute through their offsetting, so here are details on how people can directly contribute to motorsport related activities.
You can make donations to these causes through purchasing our carbon offsetting services, or our merchandise, made from 100% recycled materials, or you can donate directly to:
Medical and Humanitarian Supplies:
Donate via Juliya, who will directly allocate within her medical network:
Via Paypal – gift transfer to email : Bliznukovajuly@gmail.com
Donate via the Evdokymov Racing Team:
via Anna Chebotarova (humanitarian help)
IBAN: NL82ABNA0109314883
Please refer to the face book page for more details: www.facebook.com/evdokymovracing
Agendum Fund
One group supporting Ukraine is Agendum Fund, led by Martins Dzenitis who is the owner of Baltic Motorsport Promotion team. Martins and his team have been bringing donated vehicles such as Ambulances, 4x4s and vans from across the Baltic region to Ukraine, for the purpose of using them in humanitarian activities. More than 200 vehicles have been provided through this initiative, an average of over 40 vehicles each week – an incredible feat.

A convoy of donated vehicles being brought to Ukraine by Martins and his team.
Official donation page of Agendum Fund:
Or Via PayPal – gift transfer to agendum@agendum.lv
Or Via IBAN:
Account holder: Agendum Account: LV86HABA0551051961757 Bank: “Swedbank” AS
Balasta dambis 15, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia
We hope all in UK motorsport will join together to help those in need, and to help to make motorsport sustainable for the future. Thank you.
Steve Smith & Paul Glass – Directors of Carbon Positive Motorsport
On behalf of all our brand ambassadors, suppliers, supporters, and Ukrainian friends.