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Visit Conwy Cambrian Rally to carbon offset all competitors

The 2023 Visit Conwy Cambrian Rally will increase its mitigation of the rally's carbon footprint, by providing carbon offsetting for all competitors and official organisers vehicles, in the third year of its partnership with Carbon Positive Motorsport.

Visit Conwy Cambrian Rally to carbon offset all competitors

The event was one of the first in the UK to take action and commit to a long-term roadmap to mitigate the environmental impact of motorsport. This year the event has a particular focus on route planning to help reduce the carbon footprint. The new revised compact route reduces road mileage and the event will use carbon offsetting projects to help mitigate the unavoidable carbon emissions from this reduced footprint.

Carbon Positive Motorsport ambassador Matthew Jackson undertaking safety car duties on last year's Visit Conwy Cambrian Rally.  in a Land Rover Bowler. The Bowler championship once again forms part of this year’s entry.
Carbon Positive Motorsport ambassador Matthew Jackson undertaking safety car duties last year in a Land Rover Bowler. The Bowler championship once again forms part of this year’s entry.

Cambrian Rally clerk of the course, Wenna Roberts, commented: “Visit Conwy Cambrian Rally 2023’s partnership with Carbon Positive Motorsport continues our journey to mitigate associated environmental impacts such as the carbon footprint generated by the event. We are investing in new projects that will deliver independently verified carbon capture in the future through carbon reduction units.

“We have a responsibility to the public, our supporters, and the environment to balance the income generated by the event within the local community, against the potential increase in fuel usage and thus an increased carbon footprint resulting from supporters, organisation and competitors travelling to and within the event.

“By utilising the carbon offset programmes offered by Carbon Positive Motorsport we can ensure that we try to maintain a carbon-positive outcome for the event.”

BRC front runner and Carbon Positive Motorsport ambassador Garry Pearson will be competing in his Melvyn Evans Motorsport run VW Polo.
BRC front runner and Carbon Positive Motorsport ambassador Garry Pearson will be competing in his Melvyn Evans Motorsport run VW Polo.

Paul Glass founder of Carbon Positive Motorsport added, "It is a great privilege to support the Visit Conwy Cambrian Rally for the third year. We all have a responsibility to contribute in a meaningful way to mitigate our impact on climate change and the environment, and the rally once again sets out to demonstrate its commitment to an increasing global problem.

"For motorsport to address climate change, we need to both reduce carbon emissions, and capture the existing and future emissions in our atmosphere. Our positive level of offsetting means that we miigate 25% more emissions than are created.

"Over time this means as our projects mature, and technology such as sustainable fuels become more available to our sport, ,we can make a meaningful and visible contribution as part of the solution to this global problem.

"I want to thank the organisers and all the competitors for their support of our initiative, and our ambition to help make motorsport and the environment sustainable for future generations to enjoy."

Competitors and spectators who wish to offset their event travel can use the code CR23CS on our website shopCompetitors and spectators who wish to offset their event travel can use the code CR23CS on our website shop

Competitors and spectators who wish to offset their event travel can use the code CR23CS on our website shop. It only costs a little to make a big difference for the sport, so whether you're a competitor or spectator, why not join us to help make motorsport sustainable.

Images thanks to Mostyn Van Gorder and Paul Morris – Motorsport Photography UK



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We provide events, competitors and spectators with a range of carbon offsetting services.

We help anyone in motorsport to make a sustainable and promotable positive environmental impact.

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We believe in making motorsport sustainable for all, and that making motorsport sustainable is no longer an option, if we want our sport and the environment to thrive and be enjoyed by future generations.


Because we believe that motorsport should and can create a positive impact, we will create a certified positive carbon footprint from your motorsport activities.

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Our offsetting projects are provided in exclusive partnership with Highland Carbon Ltd Within the UK these are based on verified Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects which are registered by IHS Markits on the UK Land Carbon Registry.


We are members of the UK Carbon Association and comply with their code of conduct. 

Company Number 12415335

VAT Registration number 469393832

© Carbon Positive Motorsport 2021-2024

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