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McDonald & Munro Speyside Stages offset 20 tonnes CO2e

April 18, 2023

The McDonald and Munro Speyside Stages are to offset a minimum of 20,000KG CO2e from this year’s event.

The Speyside Stages will offset 20 tonnes of CO2e on the 2023 event

In their silver anniversary year, The McDonald and Munro Speyside Stages will offset a minimum of 20,000Kg CO2e, with over 60% of competitors competing with their carbon emissions being offset by Carbon Positive Motorsport, in the second year of their partnership with the event.

The high-quality field this year brings several of the UK’s leading drivers such as David Henderson and Stephen Petch to compete against the regular Scottish competitors. To celebrate the rally’s silver jubilee, the rally is a special two-day event that includes night stages for the first time.

Jock Armstrong and Hannah McKillop
Jock Armstrong and Hannah McKillop lead the field as car number one this year.

Clerk of the course Neil Shanks said, ‘’We're delighted to be working with Carbon Positive Motorsport for the second year on this year’s Speyside Stages. We think it’s vital that by working together in a responsible way we can ensure that the sport has a bright future.

"It’s important to us that we all play our part, and to be able to do this through Carbon Positive Motorsport, who have strong connections to local world class carbon offsetting projects in Scotland that will deliver the offsetting level estimated.

"I’m delighted that this year we will achieve such a high level of carbon offsetting – the highest to date for any KNC Groundworks championship round so far.’’

John Wink on the 2022 Speyside Stages
John Wink who will be joined for this event by Will Atkins will be looking to build on his excellent finish on the previous round Snowman Rally.

Due to the large and high-quality entry, the event will also feature several Carbon Positive Motorsport ambassadors such as Jock Armstrong, John Wink and Archie Swinscoe, who is making his gravel debut. Last year’s event winner and fellow ambassador David Bogie is focusing this year on Irish events, so Jock Armstrong will head the event seeded at number one.

Angus Lawrie comping on last year’s event with his carbon emissions being offset.

Carbon Positive Motorsport founder Paul Glass added, "The McDonald and Munro Speyside Stages is going to be a memorable event in its silver anniversary year. When I read that the event planned to run stages in the dark on the Friday, I was very keen to enter the event myself. Sadly, my new car being built could not be ready in time due to some very hard to find engine parts holding us back!

"But that’s allowed Tom Howie of Highland Reivers Racing who look after my cars to focus on his own entry this year – carbon offset of course! – good luck Tom!

"It’s a fantastic achievement by the event and the competitors to achieve the highest level of offsetting of any KNC Groundworks Scottish Rally Championship event to date, using our Loch Ness project. There has been a real commitment from the event organisers to progressively increase the offsetting of the event's unavoidable carbon emissions, such as subsidising the cost for the competitors. Thank you to them, and I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable rally."

Brian Ross in action on last year’s Speyside Stages in his Millington powered Escort.
Brian Ross in action on last year’s event in his Millington powered Escort.

You too can help contribute to the events carbon offsetting ambitions, by offsetting your event travel through Carbon Positive Motorsport's website, using a special 20% off discount code CPMSSR2023 from April 19th to 24th.

A flyer with a discount code CPMSSR2023

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Our offsetting projects are provided in exclusive partnership with Highland Carbon Ltd Within the UK these are based on verified Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects which are registered by IHS Markits on the UK Land Carbon Registry.


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Company Number 12415335

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