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Carbon Positive Motorsport on the Sky News Climate Show

Monday, 7 November

Carbon Positive Motorsport and the Mull Rally feature on the new series of the Sky News Climate show.

The first edition of the new series of the Sky News Climate Show with Tom Heap broadcast over the weekend, with a focus on carbon offsetting and the work done by Carbon Positive Motorsport and the Beatsons Building Supplies Mull Rally.

Highlight of the feature was event sponsor John Marshall giving presenter Tom Heap a inside view on the rally experience from the co-drivers seat, with special permission to sit in the car during shakedown in full rally conditions.

Tom is a highly respected environmentalist and took an objective and balanced view throughout the full programme feature, promoting the needs and value to work with carbon offsetting as part of our transformation towards net zero.

The article explained carbon offsetting both from the event perspective with interviews with both company founder Paul Glass and brand ambassador Ashleigh Morris, as well as locals from the Island who talked about the benefits to the island that the event brings. The article also explained how the carbon offsetting projects achieve their expected benefits with an interview with Richard Clarke of Highland Carbon from one of the stunning projects in their project portfolio.

Paul said of the filming, "It was a great experience to understand how such a programme is put together. The huge amount of preparation, and the time it takes to put together a few minutes of footage is quite astounding. I’m incredibly grateful to all involved for making this broadcast possible, and I think it brings objective credibility to the quality of what we are doing and legitimacy of its purpose."

Sky published a link to the Mull Rally part of the feature:

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We provide events, competitors and spectators with a range of carbon offsetting services.

We help anyone in motorsport to make a sustainable and promotable positive environmental impact.

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We believe in making motorsport sustainable for all, and that making motorsport sustainable is no longer an option, if we want our sport and the environment to thrive and be enjoyed by future generations.


Because we believe that motorsport should and can create a positive impact, we will create a certified positive carbon footprint from your motorsport activities.

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Our offsetting projects are provided in exclusive partnership with Highland Carbon Ltd Within the UK these are based on verified Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects which are registered by IHS Markits on the UK Land Carbon Registry.


We are members of the UK Carbon Association and comply with their code of conduct. 

Company Number 12415335

VAT Registration number 469393832

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