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Roberts Garages Jersey Rally partners with Carbon Positive Motorsport

September 20, 2023

The Roberts Garages Jersey Rally will partner with Carbon Positive Motorsport for the 2023 event, to help mitigate the rally's environmental impact.

The Roberts Garages Jersey Rally will partner with Carbon Positive Motorsport for the 2023 event, to help mitigate the rally's environmental impact.

The partnership will provide the future carbon offsetting of all event organiser vehicles, using only 100% UK rewilding based Woodland Carbon Code projects.

The Roberts Garages Jersey Rally has also secured a 20% discount on Carbon Positive Motorsport offsetting for competitors and spectators, to allow them to contribute to the mitigation of their unavoidable carbon emissions.

Carbon Positive Motorsport are a purpose led organisation, formed by motorsport enthusiasts with the goal to help make motorsport environmentally sustainable, so that it will be around for future generations to enjoy.

Triple British Rally Champion Matt Edwards has been a brand ambassador for Carbon Positive Motorsport since the launch of the initiative in 2021.
Triple British Rally Champion Matt Edwards has been a brand ambassador for Carbon Positive Motorsport since the launch of the initiative in 2021.

Launched in 2021 as the world’s first dedicated carbon offsetting provider for motorsport, Carbon Positive Motorsport have rapidly established themselves as the go-to offsetting provider for many leading UK motorsport events, as organisers take action to meaningfully reduce their carbon emissions and mitigate their unavoidable carbon footprint.

Carbon Positive Motorsport have been featured in national media such as the BBC and the Sky News Climate Show, for their innovative work with the Mull Rally - which this year alone will see the future sequestration of a minimum of 75,000Kg CO2e.

Competitors and spectators who use the service are supporting the highest quality world-class verified carbon capture projects available. These projects also provide additional benefits such as improved biodiversity. Everyone who purchases carbon offsets for their fuel usage from the online shop will also receive unique eco-produced Positive About Motorsport decals, raising awareness of their support for helping to make motorsport more sustainable.

“We believe strongly that sustainability must be a core focus of every one of us involved with the Rally,” explains Richard Falle, Chairman of the Roberts Garages Jersey Rally Committee.

“We are committed to finding ways in which we can reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact of our event and seeking permanent solutions to decarbonise the sport long-term is vitally important. Carbon offsetting through our new exciting partnership with Carbon Positive Motorsport delivers a near-term solution as we all work towards the carbon neutral target.”

This year’s Roberts Garages Jersey Rally,  sees the participation of Ashleigh Morris, one of Crbon Positive Motorsport's  founding brand ambassadors.
Former Scottish Ladies Champion and Carbon Positive Motorsport brand ambassador Ashleigh Morris will be competing on this year’s Jersey Rally in her Fiesta R200 co driven by Emma Morrison.

Carbon Positive Motorsport founder Paul Glass said, "We are delighted to be supporting this year’s Roberts Garages Jersey Rally, especially in its 40th anniversary year and with the participation of Ashleigh Morris, one of our founding brand ambassadors.

"Carbon offsetting is only one of the ways in which the sport is acting on its responsibilities towards climate change. Other innovations, such as the use of more sustainable carbon neutral fuels, will transform the sport in the future. Even so, we still need to capture and remove the carbon that already exists in the atmosphere to bring a long-lasting difference to the environment, and help reach climate change goals.

"I hope all the competitors and spectators will recognise the need to act, and support the organisers in our purpose-led initiative, by using our discounted offer to future offset their unavoidable carbon emissions from fuel usage."

The Roberts Garages Jersey Rally has secured a 20% discount on Carbon Positive Motorsport offsetting for competitors and spectators

It only costs a little to make a big difference for the sport, so whether you're a competitor or spectator, why not join with us to help make motorsport sustainable.

Offset your fuel or tyre usage via the links to our online shop below, using discount code JR2023

The Roberts Garages Jersey Rally has secured a 20% discount on Carbon Positive Motorsport offsetting for competitors and spectators

The Roberts Garages Jersey Rally will take place on the Friday 13th and Saturday 14th October 2023.

Visit the website at for more information.



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We provide events, competitors and spectators with a range of carbon offsetting services.

We help anyone in motorsport to make a sustainable and promotable positive environmental impact.

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We believe in making motorsport sustainable for all, and that making motorsport sustainable is no longer an option, if we want our sport and the environment to thrive and be enjoyed by future generations.


Because we believe that motorsport should and can create a positive impact, we will create a certified positive carbon footprint from your motorsport activities.

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Our offsetting projects are provided in exclusive partnership with Highland Carbon Ltd Within the UK these are based on verified Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects which are registered by IHS Markits on the UK Land Carbon Registry.


We are members of the UK Carbon Association and comply with their code of conduct. 

Company Number 12415335

VAT Registration number 469393832

© Carbon Positive Motorsport 2021-2024

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