May 4, 2023
We've decided to publish a regular series of blogs, to shine a clear light through the fog of confusion surrounding climate change, carbon offsetting and motorsport.
About Us
Carbon Positive Motorsport was launched as a purpose-led business. Our goal is to ensure that motorsport tackles climate change head-on, becoming sustainable for future generations to enjoy.
Whilst providing genuine and properly certified carbon offsetting services to events, competitors and spectators helps to address the environmental and climate challenges that we face, it is only one part of reaching our goal.
We need to both reduce and remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere, if we are to address climate change.
We are in a race to do that, a race that we all need to be part of.

Carbon Offsetting
Since launch we’ve often been asked to explain more about carbon offsetting. It’s a complicated subject, even for experts. There’s lots of science, legal requirements, and developments to keep up with – especially in the UK, where we have the highest standards in the world to meet.
There’s also a lot of misinformation out there, and sadly it’s increasing in motorsport. Misinformation clouds the road ahead that we need to take, but our blog will shine a clear light through the fog of confusion.
Translating all of the information out there in a way that’s understandable for everyone is constantly a challenge. We aim to build understanding and educate our readers in a way that makes more of us want to get involved in protecting our sport and the environment.
Let’s be clear. Activities that are perceived to worsen climate change will not survive. The biggest risk for motorsport is not acting on the environmental crisis.
Arguably, acting to merely influence perception is also a huge risk for the sport.
Where we don’t act in a meaningful or verifiable way, but rather, seek to be perceived to be “doing the right thing”, this is greenwashing. Greenwashing is only about influencing perception, often at low cost.

We are also often asked about sustainability in motorsport. Sustainability is not only about carbon reduction and offsetting. It’s more than just climate change and the environment.
Sustainability is about creating a people and planet positive world for everyone.
Imagine a world where science, technology and the natural world join forces with all people who are motivated to act. Now consider all the brilliant engineers, innovators and marketers involved in motorsport – it’s the perfect sport to lead by example.
So earlier this year we decided to start a blog, not to self-promote our business , but a blog that serves as a platform to provoke positive action. A blog that educates, informs, shares, simplifies the complex, and allows different points of view to be discussed.

Our Blog
Writing blogs takes a lot of time and commitment, but we want to use our voice and share more about why we take what we do so seriously. We also want to give ourselves a human face, and to share more of our personality. We have a twinkle in our eyes, we like to laugh, we have our opinions, we have our values, and we have a genuine love for the sport that extends beyond the sustainability and climate change topic.
The Positive About Motorsport Blog is really a blog for all in motorsport.
We hope it will all be of interest to you, and we fully expect not everyone will agree to everything written! We only ask you to keep an open mind. Let us know what topics you would like to have included - it’s a blog for you as much as for us.
The best blogs have a wide range of contributors – and ours will be the same. We will bring guest contributors who have different expertise, insights, and points of view – not just about sustainability but the sport itself.
We also plan to bring insights from different motorsport disciplines. There’s a lot to learn from the world of tractor pulling, for example! We’ll also seek insights from the fast-paced world outside motorsport.
Please get involved, get inspired, learn something new, agree, disagree, laugh, cry, or air your views, always with respect to others.
All who are ‘Positive About Motorsport’ are warmly welcomed!
Best wishes for safe, sustainable, and enjoyable competition to all.
Paul, Steve & Cat.
Find out more
It only costs a little to make a big difference for motorsport, so whether you're a competitor or spectator, why not join with us to help make motorsport sustainable.
To become Carbon Positive yourself, visit our website