May 9, 2023
Knockhill Racing Circuit and Carbon Positive Motorsport are delighted to announce a long term partnership to mitigate the Racing Circuit's unavoidable carbon emissions.
Knockhill Racing Circuit and Carbon Positive Motorsport have decided to work together in an innovative long-term partnership, that will progressively mitigate the unavoidable carbon emissions generated through competition at the circuit.

The first step of this partnership and the circuit's environmental road map, will be to provide three circuit championship events with an easy-to-use carbon offsetting option that equates to the average expected fuel consumption from the type of championship car.
The partnership will provide full carbon positive levels of offsetting for all competitors in the 2023 Super Lap Scotland Championship, with the option for all Legends and Modified Sports Championship competitors to access a significantly discounted rate via the circuit's entries system.
In addition, competitors and spectators travelling to the circuit will be given an easy-to-use online discount code, which will enable them to contribute to the offsetting level achieved by the circuit.
All carbon offsetting will be provided through 100% Woodland Carbon Code certified offsetting projects based in Scotland, which are set to deliver the promised levels of offsetting by 2047.
Speaking about the partnership with Carbon Positive Motorsport, Stuart Gray, Knockhill Director of Events said, "Knockhill Racing Circuit are delighted to be teaming up with the Knockhill Motor Sports Club to fully offset the competition activities of their unique Super Lap Scotland championship in 2023.
"We have worked with Carbon Positive Motorsport with our McRae Rally Challenge in 2022 and we are pleased to make this move as a signal of our intent that by 2025, all of Knockhill Motor Sports Club's competitor racing will be offset by meaningful and worthwhile carbon offsetting projects, here in Scotland.
Their end-to-end carbon offsetting projects are amongst the best anywhere in the UK and supporting them is a continuation of the management of Knockhill Racing Circuit to extend its active sustainability measures."

Paul Glass, founder of Carbon Positive Motorsport, added: "We are really honoured to be entering into a partnership with Knockhill Racing Circuit, building on our work together on last year’s Beatsons Building Supplies McRae Rally Challenge.
"I have been incredibly impressed by Stuart and the team’s genuine commitment to addressing the environmental impact and perception of our sport – they are leading the movement by circuits to provide offsetting of unavoidable emissions as an integral part of competing.
"Many perceive us as working just with rallying, which is far from the truth. We exist as a purpose-led business to serve all who are involved in any motorsport discipline, to help ensure that motorsport and the environment are sustainable for future generations to enjoy.’’

Find out more about carbon offsetting for motorsport, with this Sky News Climate Show feature from the Beatsons Building Supplies Mull Rally.
It only costs a little to make a big difference for the sport, so whether you're a competitor or spectator, why not join with us to help make motorsport sustainable.
To become Carbon Positive yourself, visit our website
To find out more about Knockhill Racing Circuit, visit