August 9, 2024
The SMRC Eco Rally Scotland will partner with Carbon Positive Motorsport for the 2024 event, in support of the event's candidacy bid to become part of the Bridgestone FIA Eco Rally Cup in 2025.

Carbon Positive Motorsport will provide 200% carbon offsetting of the complete calculated carbon footprint of Eco Rally Scotland, enabling them to not only achieve a Net Zero legacy but also enable more carbon to be offset than it generates.

The two-day Eco rally enters its second year and will be based around the iconic North Coast 500 route, starting and finishing in Inverness. To support the event's international ambitions and local impact, the event will use Carbon Positive Motorsport's unique 200% carbon offsetting package.
The package offsets 100% of the event's carbon footprint immediately through Bio Carbon Registry validated Carbon Reduction Units from a world-class project in Colombia, and then offsets another 100% in the future using the company's world-class offsetting project based locally at Loch Ness.

Speaking ahead of the event, Carbon Positive Motorsport director Paul Glass said, "We have spent a considerable amount of time and effort, together with our specialist partner, to validate our choice of overseas project. Overseas carbon offsetting has a mixed reputation, with many projects not delivering their expected benefits, but it's not the case with us.
"We have chosen to work overseas with a high-integrity world-class project called La Primavera in Colombia, due to the increasing impact on global climate change through the loss of the Amazonian rainforest."
The loss of the Amazonian rainforest has massive importance for the world’s climate, as its carbon sink is known to act as the lungs of the world. As reported by The Guardian recently, an area the size of Wales has been deforested in Colombia since 2016 to make way for cattle farming. This deforestation involves burning large areas of rainforest, further worsening climate change.

Glass added, "Our premium quality project is one of the most reputable and positively impactful in the world, delivering an afforestation project that entails both a sustainably managed plantation and passive regeneration of jungle species by converting grassland back to native forestry.
"There is no silver bullet to address global climate change, but it's vital that we all mitigate our impact on the environment from motorsport in all disciplines, through the reduction of emissions and the use of high-integrity carbon offsetting projects.
The use of carbon offsetting projects that deliver truly additional and permanent carbon capture to help address the existing emissions in our atmosphere is critical."
Carbon Positive Motorsport director Steve Smith said, "We're delighted to support this year’s Eco Rally in its candidate year and beyond. Given the location of the route, we felt it was important to support the event and promote our Positive about Motorsport initiative, which uses both global and local carbon offsetting projects.
"It's amazing to think that through this event, the Eco Rally will make a genuine positive impact on the environment both in the UK and overseas, not only in carbon offsetting but also in improved biodiversity.
"The great news is that anyone in motorsport can also do their bit by purchasing our Offset Your Season package or by working with us to implement one of our offsetting packages for their event. These give any competitor or spectator the same high-quality carbon offsetting standards and impact that the Eco Rally will enjoy this year."
Purchase our Offset Your Season package today to take a meaningful step towards combating climate change. This is a simple yet effective way to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. By offsetting your carbon emissions, you can help offset the environmental impact of your motorsport activities and support projects that promote renewable energy, conservation, and reforestation.
Join us in taking a stand against climate change and together, we can make a difference. Let's work together to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious world for all.